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Process for Obtaining Construction Permit


In pursuant of Ondo State Urban and Regional Planning Law 2006, all individuals and organizations seeking to develop their land in Ondo State can apply for a development (building) permit through the following process:


(i) Ministry of Physical Planning and Urban Development
(ii) Ondo State Internal Revenue Services (ODIRS)
(iii) Ministry of Environment
(iv) Office of the Surveyor General.




i. A letter of application from the applicant through a consultant registered with the Ministry of Physical Planning and Urban Development (List of registered and approved consultants attached see annex 1). This process is applicable to new building and renovation building both for individual and organization. Please note that the State Government do not issue application form, however the application letter from the applicant is free and no cost whatsoever is attached. The application letter will be submitted by the consultant for processing at any office of the Ministry of Physical Planning and Urban Development (Headquarter and Area Offices) as detailed in Annex 3.

ii. Payment of prescribed fee for Land Use Clearance ranging between N5,000 to N50,000 depending on the location and nature of use; Note that this is not applicable where the land is use for it designated purposes; (see the list of fees attached in Annex 2)

iii. The payment for the prescribed fee for the land use clearance shall be paid to the State Government account in any of the Commercial Banks. The Process for the payment are as follows:

(a) Obtain payment advice from the Area office of the Ministry of Physical Planning and Urban Development;
(b) Pay into any Commercial Bank in the State using the Revenue code on the payment advice and obtain teller for payment;
(c) Exchange the teller with E-Receipt from the ODIRS official within the Bank where the payment was made;

iv. Documents required for processing Land Use Clearance are

• A copy of the E-receipt
• A copy of Survey plan of the site as approved by the Surveyor General of the State (See the process for obtaining survey plan approval in step (v) below)
• Evidence of payment of three (3) years Tax Clearance and Development Levy
• A copy of working drawing on A4 paper

v. Processes and Procedure for Survey Plan Approval

• Submit two copies of the survey plan for costing at the Surveyor General’s office at the Ministry of Land and Infrastructure Building, Oyemekun Road Akure.
• Obtain payment advise from the office of the Surveyor General
• Pay the prescribed fee into ODSG account in any commercial bank operating the State using the revenue code on the payment advice
• Obtain the bank teller for exchange of e-receipt from ODIRS at Revenue House, Igbatoro Road, Akure, Ondo State
• Bring the e-receipt to the office of the Surveyor General for the processing of approval
• Collect the approved Survey Plan from the State’s Cadastral office located within the premises of the Ministry of Lands and Infrastructure
• The time frame for the processing of the Survey Plan approval is Seven (7) days.



The following documents must be submitted at the Area office of Ministry of Physical Planning and Urban Development for assessment where the project is located (See Annex 3 for the list of our Area Offices).

i. Submission of the Architectural Drawings and other working drawings (5 sets) on A3 paper

ii. Approved Survey Plan of the site from the Office of the Surveyor General following (See Stage 1(v) above)

iii. A copy of three (3) years Tax Clearance and Development levies. These can be processed via

iv. The CofO of the site or An evidence of processing of the C of O;

v. The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report of the project from the Ministry of Environment, 3rd floor, State Secretariat Complex, Alagbaka Akure if the project is related to Gas, Petrol Station, and Industrial development (The process to obtain EIA report and the timeframe is detailed in Annex 4).

vi. Site Analysis Report by a TOPREC registered Town Planner.

vii. Fire Service Report from Ondo State Fire Service, Police Report from any of the Police Station within the State and Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR) report from the DPR office in the State (in case of Petrol station and Gas Station)

viii. Five (5) copies of A3 sized Structural Working Drawings & details, sealed, stamped, and endorsed by a COREN registered structural engineer (for high-rise buildings, warehouses, petrol/gas stations & others with special structural requirements);

ix. Structural calculation sheets, letter of attestation of design, sealed, stamped, and endorsed by a COREN registered structural engineer (for developments listed in viii above);

x. Soil investigation report (for high-rise building that exceeds four floors).



i. Payment of Pre-screening fees ranging from 5,000 – 20,000 depending on type and location of the development (The fees for various types and location of development are detailed in Annex 2).

ii. Evidence of payment to ODSG treasury by providing E- receipt from ODIRS of all relevant fees such as assessment fee, development levy, and other associated charges; (see stage 1 (iii) above). Please note that the acceptable proof of payment is the E-receipt generated from ODIRS

iii. Upon Submission of the application, applicants will be provided a unique Application Reference Number and an Acknowledgement Letter that carries the file number for the application.

iv. Processing Timeline for building permits will be within 14 working days after all payments has been made and confirmed.



Successful applicants are notified via text or call upon the completion of the approval process for the collection of their approved plan at the Area offices of the Ministry of Physical Planning and Urban Development depending on the location of the application. Collection can be done between 8:00am and 4pm (Monday – Friday, excluding public holidays). Contact the Area offices of the Ministry of Physical Planning and Urban Development in the location of application if you have not received your collection notification after 14 working days after all requirements have been met.


For more information, enquiry, or complaints please contact Ondo State Ministry of Physical Planning and Urban Development, Oyemekun Road, Akure, Ondo State between 8:00am and 4pm (Monday – Friday, excluding public holidays) or call +2348034547987 or send us an email on

For EIA:

Ondo State Ministry of Environment, 3rd floor, State Secretariat Complex, Alagbaka Akure

For Survey Plan Approval:

The Office of the Surveyor General, Ministry of Land and Infrastructure Building, Oyemekun Road Akure.

For DPR report:

The Department of Petroleum Resources, beside NNPC Mega Station, Akure-Ilesha Express way, Akure

For Fire Report:

Ondo State Fire Services, beside Access Bank Building, Akure-Owo road, Alagbaka Akure.

The Permanent Secretary,
Ondo State Ministry of Physical Planning and Urban Development (ODMPPUD)
28th December, 2023

Published: 8 P.M, 28th December, 2023