Discover the Heart of the Sunshine State

Access to Credit












Agricultural Credit Guarantee Scheme Funds

Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN).

(i)  individuals 

 (ii) Small and Medium Enterprise (SMEs) in farming.

Visit the LAPO website at or visit their offices in Akure

·       Office 1: 59 Oyemekun Road Akure, Ondo State. 08150377147.

·       Office 2:  Inside NEPA Car Park, Arakale Road, Akure, Ondo State.     08150377024

Mr Akintunde Ojo.


Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN).

Beside Gtbank, Alagbaka, Akure.



Loan facility for SMEs, Wife of falling heroes and Ex-military officers living with disability.












Ondo State Micro Credit Agency (OSMA).



















Existing SME operators for a minimum of 6 months in operation.


Ex military officer with disability













(i)  Obtain a loan application form for #1000 at the Ondo state Micro Credit Agency or visit the Agency website on to download the application form.


(ii) submit the completed application form at the Agency’s Headquarter at OSMA building, Oke-Eda, Akure between 9:am and 4pm Monday to Friday except on public holidays


(iii) Loan application to be guaranteed by a civil servant on GL 14 and above


(iv) Evaluation of the application form by the management of the Agency to ensure compliance.


Mr Peter Akingbade.


Ondo State Micro Credit Agency (OSMA),

Oke-Eda, Alagbaka, Akure.
















Export Credit Guarantee.


Rediscounting & Refinancing Facility.


Export Credit Insurance.

Nigerian Export-Import Bank (NEXIM).


Must be an existing company


Must be into production and exporting of goods

·       Complete application summary sheets.


·       A written letter of application with #50,000 non-refundable application fee.


·       Submit Forms CO2 and CO7.


·       Copy of Memo and Articles of Association.


·       Audited statement of accounts for the last three 3 months and statement of affairs for startups (where applicable)


·       Brief on the project /company incorporating directors and managements profile.


·       3years tax clearance certificate.


·       Feasibility study/ business plan of the project and cash flow


·       Verifiable export orders? Contracts of other export agreement & arrangements / commitments.


Mr Ajagbe Egbeyemi.


Nigeria Export-Import Bank.   Beside Access bank, Alagbaka, Akure.






·       Authorization for NEXIM to obtain information on the company.


·       Certificate of registration with NEPC.


·       Utility bill and means of identification (Int’l passport data page/ driver’s license).


·       Completed signature mandate cards with two passports.


·       Environmental impact assessment (EIA) Report (where applicable).


·       Copies of executed warehouse arrangements with acceptable collateral managers for structured trade transaction.


·       Any other documents that may be required by NEXIM.




 Micro Loan

Bank Of Agriculture (BOA)

(i)    Farmers


(ii)    Small and Medium Enterprise

·       Opening and Running of Saving Account for three months Satisfactory.


·       Purchase of loan form of ₦1500.00 and duly completed loan application form to be returned back with two office files and photocopy of all documents.


·        Applicant to attach 2 passport photographs duly signed by applicant and the two guarantors.


·        Written loan application letter stating the purpose and amount required.


·        Photocopy of receipt of purchase of loan form.


·        Photocopy of applicant’s ID card and guarantors’ ID card (ID card of place of work where applicable).


·        Acceptable two (2) guarantors with (2) passport photographs with names written at the back.


·       Acceptable Guarantors includes:

·     Religious leaders (Imam or Pastor)

·     Civil\Public Servant

·     Community Leaders

·     Lawyers

·     Staff of Reputable Organizations

·     Market\Trade Union Leaders


Mr Lanre         


Bank of Agriculture (BOA), beside BOI building, Alagbaka, Akure. 







·       Photocopy of passbook and previous loan repayment card where applicable.


·       20% of loan amount as mandatory saving deposit is required as lien.


·       Loan tenure of 12 months for micro Agric and non-Agric respectively.


·       Interest rate of 12% for micro Agric and 20% for micro non Agric respectively.


·        Insurance Premium of 1.5% for micro non Agric, 5% for piggery, 2.5% and 2% for micro-Agric.


·       Stamp duty of loan agreements documents at 3% of loan value.


·        Undertaking of employer where applicable.

·       Running of account even after disbursement.

·       BVN




SMEs Loan for Individuals.


·       Completed loan application form.

·       Copies of the feasibility study\business plan for the proposed project acceptable to a BOA Ltd.

·       Off Takers Agreement\contract.

·       Where real estate property is proposed as security.

·       3 photocopies of certificate of occupancy of property proposed as security.

·       Approved building plan of property proposed as security (where applicable).

·       3 copies of colored photograph of 3 sides (front, side and rear) of property proposed as security.








·       3 photocopies of a registered deeds of assignment or conveyance of security proposed (where Applicable).


·       Valuation reports of the property to be used as collateral prepared by the bank appointed estate valuers.

·       Copies of tittle documents evidencing title to and other form of security proposed for the loan.


·       Copies of share certificate if proposed as security.


·       2 copies of current tax clearance certificate of applicant for the past three years.


·       2 photocopies of current tax clearance certificate of guarantor for the past three years (where applicable).



SMEs Loan of Less than 10m


Bank Of Industry (BOI)


MSMEs and Artisan

·       Formal application letter

·       BVN of directors

·       Certificate of Incorporation

·       TAX Identification No (TIN)

·       Two External Guarantors (Senior Civil Servant from level 12 and above or Bankers not below the level of Manager)


External Guarantor’s Requirement.

·       Letter of intent to Guarantee the facility


·       Profile\CV of Guarantors


·       Means of Identification and pay slip (i.e., International Passport or Driver’s License or National Identity Card & 4 Passport photography)


·       Notarized statements of net worth with evidence of stated net worth (Standard form will be issued by BOI)


·       Evidence of Regulatory approval (NAFDAC, SON) etc.


Mr Akinbolu Adesanmi            


Bank Of Industry (BOI), BOI Building, First Bank roundabout, Alagbaka, Akure.       






·       Evidence of Business\factory location Ownership.


·       Letter on declaration of outstanding Liabilities to other Institutions and\or individuals if any.


·       Quotation for the supply of items of Equipment from two (2) different Suppliers


·       Sources of raw materials from at least two (2) suppliers.

·       Recent bank statements of the company for the past one (1) year

·       Six-month sales record (for existing business)

·       Detailed profile (CV) of the directors and management staff.

·       Photocopies of International Passport or Driver’s License of the Directors

·       Four Passport photographs each of the directors

·       Complete BOI Questionnaire

·       Know your customer form.




10million to 2 billion



·       Pre-Approval checklist:

·       Formal application on letterhead

·       Duly completed loan application form

·       Photocopy of certificate of incorporation

·       Feasibility study report.

·        Curriculum Vitae of the directors and key management staff of the company.

·       Eight (8) passport photography of the chief promoter and two (2) directors of the company.

·       Means of identification of two (2) directors of the company (i.e., Photocopy of International Passport\Driver’s License and National Identity Card).

·        BVN of chief promoter and two (2) directors of the company.

·       Security:

·       If bank guarantee, a letter of intent for bank guarantee from the head office of commercial bank issuing the guarantee, individual guarantor etc.)

·       If landed property is being pledged as security, then the following:

      I.         Photocopy of the title document(s) to the property being pledged.

     II.         Evidence of payment of ground rent up to date.

   III.         Tax clearance certificate (TCC) of the owner of the property obtained from the state where the property is located







   IV.         Valuation report from one of BOI’s accredited valuers

    V.         Four (4) passport photographs and BVN of the property owner

   VI.         Letter of consent signed by property owner to mortgage property to BOI

·       If the property is owned by a limited liability company different from the borrower, then board resolution of that company.

·       If operating from a rented premises, lease agreement must have a tenure of a least one year beyond loan tenure.

·       A copy of the draft technical, management, machinery supply and\or joint venture agreement (where applicable).

·       Three years audited financial accounts and most recent management account from BOI accredited auditors (for existing business).

·       Company’s bank statement for a period of one (1) year (for existing business).

·       Pre-Approval checklist:

·       Formal application on letterhead

·        Duly completed loan application form

·        Photocopy of certificate of incorporation

·       Feasibility study report.

·        Curriculum Vitae of the directors and key management staff of the company.

·       Eight (8) passport photography of the chief promoter and two (2) directors of the company.

·       Means of identification of two (2) directors of the company (i.e., Photocopy of International Passport\Driver’s License and National Identity Card).







·       BVN of chief promoter and two (2) directors of the company.

·       Security:

·       If bank guarantee, a letter of intent for bank guarantee from the head office of commercial bank issuing the guarantee, individual guarantor etc.)

·       If landed property is being pledged as security, then the following:

·       (I) Photocopy of the title document(s) to the property being pledged.

·       (II) Evidence of payment of ground rent up to date.

·       (III) tax clearance certificate (TCC) of the owner of the property obtained from the state where the property is located.

·       (IV) Valuation report from one of BOI’s accredited valuers

·       (V) Four (4) passport photographs and BVN of the property owner

·       (VI) letter of consent signed by property owner to mortgage property to BOI.

·       (VII) If the property is owned by a limited liability company different from the borrower, then board resolution of that company.

·       If operating from a rented premises, lease agreement must have a tenure of a least one year beyond loan tenure.

·       A copy of the draft technical, management, machinery supply and\or joint venture agreement (where applicable).

·       Three years audited financial accounts and most recent management account from BOI accredited auditors (for existing business).






·       Company’s bank statement for a period of one (1) year (for existing business).

·        Three year’s financial statement of accounts for institutional investors in the project or another company owned by the chief promoter (where applicable).

·       Post Approval Checklist:

·       Submission of letter of offer duly endorsed by a director and company secretary or two (2) directors.

·       Letter of acceptance of offer.

·       Return of duly authoring loan agreement

·       Board resolution authorizing borrowing.

·       Photocopy of filled annual returns (up to date) of the company at corporate affairs commission (CAC).

·       Photocopy of the current tax clearance certificate of the company and two its directors (if landed property is being pledged as security for the loan).

·       Evidence of filling appointment of company’s secretary with CAC.

·       Security – original title documents of landed property (certificate of occupancy), deed of assignment (registered), bank guarantee.

·       Individual guarantors (where applicable)

·       Means of identification (i.e., photocopy of international passport or driver’s license or national identity card or permanent voter’s card).

·       Four (4) passport photographs.

·       Notarized statement of net worth (form will be issued by BOI).

·       BVN

·       Curriculum vitae of the guarantors

·       Submissions of bank guarantee (if applicable)







·       Evidence of payment of fees (if applicable -appraisal, commitment and legal fees)

·       Letter of Attestation

·       Letter showing specimen signature of the authorized signatory

·       Original proforma invoice for the approved items






The Permanent Secretary,
Ondo State Investment Promotion Agency (ONDIPA)
29th December 2023

Published: 5 P.M, 29th December, 2023