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Updated Right of Way Guideline


In Accordance with the provisions of “Ondo State ROW Regulation 2024, all individuals and Telecommunication organizations seeking to erect or construct any wireless communication mast tower, lay cable or other utilities infrastructures in Ondo State must go through the following processes:


OBTAIN APPLICATION FORM from: Ondo State Information Technology Agency Ajasin Road Opposite Police Microfinance Bank Akure, Ondo State. Or download the Application Form from our website under the Download Forms section. All applications are free. Fill out the form completely and accurately. Leave NO section empty or unanswered.

  • GATHER AND SUBMIT COPIES OF ALL REQUIRED DOCUMENTS. Originals are preferred. You are advised to have photocopies made for safekeeping.
  • Evidence of Company registration with CAC as appropriate (with Certified True Copy (CTC) of Articles & Memorandum of Association and Certified True Copy (CTC) of Form CO7
  • Evidence of payment for the permit (E-receipt)
  • Evidence of approval of location
  • Evidence of payment of three (3) years Tax Clearance and Development Levy
  • One Passport-sized Photograph of the Company’s directors.
  • Photo ID: National ID Card or International Passport or Driver’s License or Voter’s Card of the Company’s directors.
  • License(s) to operate
  • Construction/installation/development/repair (site and design plan)
  • Relevant assessment(s) g. EIA, social impact assessment, etc. with mitigation plan.
  • Application letter to include Proposed routes, Routes diagram, Distance to be covered, and completion timeline.
  • A project proposal, including a list of routes, the scope of work, budget, evidence of funding, portfolio of prior fibre deployment, site survey/assessment plan, risk assessment, and occupational health and safety plan.
  • Evidence of payment for permit.
  • COST AND LOCATION OF PAYMENT: Applicants will be given a payment advice with a revenue code through which they can proceed to any Bank to make payment of a one-time, non-refundable deposit of N20,000 as Processing Fee and Permit rate of N145/Linear meter for Fibre Optic deployment
  • TIMEFRAME: Submitted applications will be processed within twenty-one (21) working days, as long as they meet the minimum standards to be processed. All documents must be submitted to the State Information Technology Agency, SITA along with a Bank Teller/Bank print-out for the N20,000 processing fee or mailed to State Information Technology Agency, SITA Office at Adekunle Ajasin Road Opposite Police Microfinance Bank Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria.

The application will be processed and offers made will be subject to the Ondo State ROW Regulation for laying of Fibre Optic cables. For more information, enquiry, or complaints please contact Ondo State Information Technology Agency Adekunle Ajasin Road Opposite Police Microfinance Bank Akure, Ondo State between 8:00am and 4pm (Monday – Friday, excluding public holidays) you can also reach us via our hotline on +2349159582020, +2349159582121 or email us at


The Permanent Secretary,
Ondo State Information Technology Agency (SITA)